Monday, July 22, 2013

More Sunshine

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

It's unbelievable really, watching a little person develop in front of your very eyes.  Progress is made each and every day.  Sometimes it is ever so slight and other days it seems to be happening in leaps and bounds.  Growing up is first measured in pounds and inches, then in milestones like rolling over and crawling.  Pretty soon it takes the form of emotional and verbal developments. Grunts turn into words and frustrations lead to tears.  Curiosity leads to bruises and success results in squeals of the most uninhibited joy known to man...or at least known to moms.

We are coming up on two years.  Two years of milestones, two years of tears, two years of grunts and words and bumps and bruises.  Two years of giggles and squeals.  Two years of shrieks and kicking and screaming.  Two years of hugs and kisses and more love than ever imaginable.  

You  make me happy when skies are gray

Our Little Monkey hates having his hair touched.  Hair washing, hair brushing, hair cutting leads to a face streaked with tears and screams so loud that a person on the street would wonder what the heck is going on in there.  He gets marshmallows for going potty on the big potty.  Fruit snacks may be the best  thing ever created in a lab somewhere.  Meals are hit and miss.  I'm convinced Chef Boyardee has never done a load of laundry.  Trains are delightful.  Tractors, trucks and anything big he can sit in bring smiles and endless requests to "sit on on".  

You'll never know Dear, how much I love you

He is starting to understand reason now.  But with the ability to reason comes the ability to manipulate. Calling for Dadda long enough may just get him back into the room.  Throwing fits sometimes works to his advantage.  But sometimes it just leaves him on the floor in a puddle of his own tears and once he realizes that, he usually moves on.  Two can play that game Little Monkey.

I used to think that it couldn't be that difficult to teach your child how to pick up after themselves, how to behave in a restaurant, how to stand still while Momma pays the lovely cashier.  I used to think, How hard can it be?  Of course this was all before I had one.  Too many times it is just easier to pick it up for him and to leave plates behind with fries left.  I keep telling myself there is plenty of time to really instill manners and patience.  But, he put his own shorts on the other day.  We've known he can take them off for awhile now, another one of his tricks to get us back into the room when he doesn't want to go to bed.  But, putting them on? Only big boys do that....certainly he can't be a big boy yet.  Can he?

Please don't take my sunshine away

Falling asleep in my arms happens so rarely anymore.  We rock and we read and we sing.  Then he points to the bed and leans in for his kiss.  I place him in his crib and tuck him in, Snug as a Bug in a Rug.  But on those rare occasions that he is sleepy enough to drift off and my lullaby fades to background music, I still look at him and my eyes well up with tears.  I cannot even believe that this little miracle has given my life more meaning in two years than nearly the 35 that I've lived.  My heart swells with pride and with love.  And before I can carefully lift him, with his eyes closed and his breathing relaxed, there comes the softest whisper, more sunshine.

Ok my Little Love, Momma will sing more sunshine.

You are my sunshine my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know Dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Keeping Up...

I'm finding it much harder to keep this blog updated, for a couple of reasons.  I don't have much spare time at the end of the day.  When I do, I enjoy spending it with my husband.  But the real reason for not visiting here more often...I just don't know how to put into words what we experience in a day, a week or a month.

Each new word means more than its definition.  Truck. Ball. Owl.  They mean comprehension and language development.  They mean recognition of objects and pictures.  They mean he is growing up. And words are coming fast and furious these day.  And that means so is his 2nd birthday, and his 3rd, and his 10th...

We have ourselves a little Daddy's boy.  And while I admit that it breaks my heart just a little to know that right now he prefers Daddy over me, there can be nothing more comforting than knowing I have the best husband and man at my side.  It means I picked correctly.  It means the man I married is strong enough to be our protecter and soft enough fix boo boos.  That being a man means being a Daddy.  And that even a child can recognize that.  It means Aiden will grow up knowing how to do it right; being a husband and a father.

It's hard to summarize the six months that have taken place since my last update.  There have been lots and lots of colds, ear infections and respiratory junk this winter.  People tell you lots of things when you are expecting.  Things like "they grow so fast!"  and "you won't believe how much you'll love them".  But there are so many things I feel like no one told me.  Like how stressed out I'll be when they are sick.  How all the aches and pains he experiences are 10 fold for me.  Like how I'd do anything to just keep him safe and healthy.  I feel like I wear my heart on my sleeve now.  Like it is just out there and unprotected.  For a girl who likes schedules and checklists, unpredictability makes me anxious.  No one told me to expect the unexpected...

Oh but all the worry pales in comparison to the joy Aiden brings us. To the laughter.  To the fun.  To the pride. To the stories.  To the snuggles.   To the LOVE.   This little monkey of ours is the most amazing little person.  I've had six months to think about what to say and I still don't know.  How do I put into words all that he has given us?  We now have a house where books lay all over the floor. Pots and pans are littered across the kitchen.  Dried spaghetti is stuck to the table.  Finger prints and tongue prints cover the windows.  He has given me more to clean and more to keep up with.  But more importantly, he has given me my identity.  He has given me my reason to live.  If it is possible to fall even more in love with my husband, he has given me that too.

And since I have a hard time telling you what we've been up to, I'll just give you a little glimpse instead.

Life is pretty darn cool.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

One Year Ago...

I had a two week old son.  A constant stream of house guests.  Sore, cracked nipples.  A hormone imbalance.  And no way of knowing just what life would look like when the dust settled.  I couldn't imagine life six months down the line.  My eyes were still adjusting to the haze.  Slowly, very slowly, the fog lifted.  In a few weeks time, I learned the need that was behind each coo.  Which diaper cream I preferred.  How to pack a diaper bag.  That my body would produce enough milk to sustain life and to trust it.  To relax and enjoy this little miracle that turned my life upside down.

Aug. 11, 2011
8 Days Old
We eventually found a routine.  Regular nap times, bedtimes, feedings.  We found a way to incorporate his schedule into ours without giving up our identities of Husband and Wife.  While Aiden was learning how to smile and roll over, I was learning how balance work and family.  The scales always teetering back and forth but never bottoming out.  I dreaded the daycare drop off but needed the recharge of adult conversation and sharing in the success of wonderful company that supports the intricate web of motherhood, wifedom and career.  Day by day he grew and he grew...

Nov. 15, 2011
Nov. 27, 2011

Milestones kept coming when they should.  We had a good sleeper, a good eater and a good temperament from the get go.  Each day we look forward to the next morning and not for when he can walk, or when he is potty trained or when he goes to school.  The words "I can't wait for..." are not uttered in this house.  Every stage is special.  Even the middle of the night wake ups will be gone before we know it.  I never thought I'd miss breastfeeding, but sure enough when it was over, I found myself missing the intimacy I'd never have again with my son.  How will I manage to hold onto a lifetime of memories and look forward to what is yet to come knowing that they too will only take up more space?  Will I forget his first steps in order to make room for his first home run?

The calendar pages continued to flip.

A year's worth of Holidays were making their appearance.  But a birthday still seemed like a distant date months away, never inching closer.  No way could I have been a mother for almost a year.  No way could one year's time practically erase the 32 years that came before it.  What did I do with all of my time?  How did I manage to fill up each night with prime time television?  Why did I think I had the right to judge other mother's waiting in line at the grocery store?  How did my heart pump with all that extra room that I didn't even know was there?

Feb. 18, 2012
May 9, 2012
Dec. 23, 2011

Sounds that resemble words can be heard in our house.  An inquisitive mind and tiny pointer fingers are always anxious for an answer.  He has his favorite books and toys.  He dances when he hears music.  He runs through the house and climbs on whatever he can get his feet on.  He has a perpetual bruise on his forehead and the cat usually gets the better of him.  But despite all the bumps and thumps, he continues to go back for more, always staring down a challenge.  He knows it's easy to be fearless when mom will always be there to kiss away the hurt.  And I will.

So, the big day finally arrived.  Our family and friends came to celebrate his birth once again.  We had cake, gifts and opened our home to our dear loved ones and shared just a glimpse of the love and laughter that we get to experience everyday.  And when bedtime came, I rocked him and sang to him just like I do every night...through tears of joy and reflection.

Aug. 4, 2012
Aug. 4, 2012

Aug. 12, 2012

I've found that life now is a comfortable chaos.  We still sit down for dinner together as a family most nights.  We play outside when we can.  We splash in the tub to wash away a day's worth of exploring.  Then the house turns quiet and we ready ourselves for bedtime.  We read.  We rock.  We sing. We dream.

My birthday wish for you is that I hope you have all of this one day.  Happy First Year of Life my Little Love.

Aug. 21, 2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cherish the Love

So much has happened in just a few months.  He is growing up so fast.  There are days my heart wants to explode with pride and others where it breaks because I can never get these days back.  All I can do is hold on tight and enjoy every moment…

We have still been dealing with Ear Infections.  So, on July 6th, we had ear tube surgery at Waverly Health Center.  Aiden did great.  Mom did great too!  I think the hardest part was putting a tiny hospital gown on my baby.  But he sure was a little cutie!

Everyone was right.  It was very quick and he was back to normal by that afternoon.  We are hopeful that ear infections will now be few and far between.  We are also hopeful that runny noses and lingering coughs are in our past too.  He has been such a trooper through all of them and rarely let them get the better of him.  We didn’t lose too much sleep these past 6 months! Thank God!

At 11 months, there is no holding him back!  He walks all over the place and gets into everything.  Every night while I cook dinner, the floor gets littered with pots, pans, Tupperware, bibs, bottles and anything else he can get his hands on.  The kitchen looks like a bomb went off!    He claps when you ask him to play Pattycake, he lifts his arms up high when playing “So Big!”, he can wave Hi but cannot say it yet.  What can he say?  Clock.  Yep, Clock.  Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Vann!  He points at things now.  And Daddy has taught him how to Sword Fight with their pointer fingers!  Boys will be boys no matter what the age.  J

Much to my dismay, this time is going way too fast.  But the party planning sure is fun!

Our moments together as a family just keep getting better.  There are already so many great memories and I can hardly wait for what's to come.  But, I know it'll be here to fast, so we are sure to appreciate and love the moment we're in.  Every new skill, every new milestone, every new mess will soon be a distant memory.  And, we will miss them.  

Enjoy a few of our favorite snapshots over the past few months!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Catchin' Up!

I've got some catching up to do! 

Aiden is just over 9 months old now.  He knows patty cake and his favorite part is when we bake a cake as "fast as we can"!  That and when we mark it with a "Beeeeee" on that cute little belly of his. He is quite possibly the cutest, sweetest little boy we know.  :)

There is no stopping him now either!  Crawls all over the place and makes a b-line for all the places that are off-limits.  He walks behind his push toy, he pulls himself to standing on just about everything and thinks that banging and dropping his sippy cup is the best game ever!  He is all boy, that's for sure.  It won't be long and I'll be emptying out pockets of dirt and scrubbing out grass stains every night.

He has a mouth full of teeth.  Four on top and two on the bottom.  They help to gnaw on all that table food he is getting now...when he can get it in his mouth...and keep it there.  Those darn peaches are slippery little devils!

He also has his last "free" ear infection.  I'm sure tubes will be in our future.  Thankfully, he is such a good natured little monkey that other than a little fussiness he seems to manage the pain quite well.

He is getting ready for his first sleep over without Mom.  Tim and I are flying to Vegas this weekend for some rest and relaxation, oh, and some fun with friends too!  We are in desperate need of some adult time and a break from baby monitors, pacifiers and animal crackers.  While I am quite sure Aiden will be just fine and have lots of fun with his big cousin and Aunt, Uncle and Grandma, my anxiety has yet to peak.  Mommy's first time away overnight!  It is going to be a hard goodbye and I am already looking forward to our return and seeing that big toothy grin. 

That's all for now!  Going to be a busy summer!

Where did that animal cracker go?  Why are you laughing?

Say Cheese!

Friday, March 30, 2012


Ugh.  Will it ever stop?  Ear infection after ear infection.  Antibiotic after antibiotic.  Cough after cough.  Throw in a runny nose and a wheeze and you get a very frustrated mommy.  His second ear infection just won't seem to go away and now he has developed a double ear infection.  Do I have the only child who can actually get an ear infection while ON antibiotics? 

Lucky for us, our little monkey is still sleeping pretty good most nights.  Isn't screaming and crying from pain.  Just more of a whine and tempermental.  Anything sets him off.  And unfortunately, there is a lot to set him off.  Antibiotics, ibuprofen, saline spray all on top of the wiggle worm diaper changes.  It most definitely hasn't been a fun couple of months.

But, he crawls.  He smiles.  He tries to pull himself to standing.  He laughs. He falls and bangs his head.  He chases the cat.  He drops things for you to pick up.  He still hates peas.  He babbles.    He snuggles.  He makes life better.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Ready, Set, Go!

Oh my how the time continues to fly!  7 months and counting...
Two teeth, two ear infections, crawling and a whole lot of da da da's. 

His 6 month Dr.'s appointment showed his first ear infection.  Mom felt awful because that lingering cough since New Year's was probably a sign things weren't quite right.  The waking up throughout the night whining wasn't from teething or just being more socially aware..ear infection.  The occasional ear tug wasn't from teething either...ear infection.  That fever...oh wait, there never was a fever.  It is just so hard to tell at this age just what is going on.  Dr. assured us it was no big deal and the antibiotics took care of it in a matter of 10 days.  We had our angel baby back.

And then the two bottom teeth showed up on the same night Aiden decided to try out his first crawls.  Both Tim and I puffed out our chests with pride.  But the next morning, I was a little sad.  Tomorrow he'll be graduating High it seems.  Maybe that whining, ear tugging, night waking could have been teething after all.

Low and behold, the snow finally fell, albeit in Wisconsin.  Tim was able to pack up the snowmobile and head north with the guys.  Aiden decided it'd be fun to get another bad cold and keep me up all weekend.  As I'm laying in bed at 2 AM, pillows propped around me, 3rd hour of Law & Order, baby sleeping on my chest, I think "oh please just let me put you back in your crib".  And then, "I take that back, I will do this as many times as you need and as much as you want...forever."  Love my little boy.

And then...cough, cough, cough, despite the fact that his cold cleared up a couple of weeks ago.  So, off to the Dr. we go and sure enough, another ear infection.  Same ear.  Three in six months is the steadfast rule for ear tubes.  I guess we will wait and see what month 8 does for us!

Two teeth, two ear infections, crawling and a whole lot of da da da's.

But what fun he has taking a bath now!

He learns something new each day and we wake up each morning as though it is Christmas.  The excitement of what the day will bring as we watch our baby boy grow up before our eyes!  And that cat tail that he loves to watch so much?  Look out!  He's on the move!